Body Lift Near Little Rock

Transform your post-weight loss body with precision and expertise from board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Shewmake at Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, AR. A body lift will eliminate excess sagging skin around your entire body, improve the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat, and create a slimmer and sleeker you. Experience the skilled care of a highly experienced surgeon who has dedicated years to making aesthetic enhancements for happy patients.

How Does It Work?

A body lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin all the way around the body, particularly in the abdomen, upper thighs, hips, and buttocks. After the excess skin and fat have been removed, the remaining skin is tightened and smoothed out, resulting in a more contoured and toned appearance. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and can take several hours, depending on the extent of the lift.

Why Choose A Body Lift?

A body lift procedure can remove excess skin and fat while lifting and tightening the remaining tissue if you have lost significant weight and have excess skin that doesn't shrink back on its own. A body lift can help create a more contoured, streamlined look and boost self-confidence. It can give you a full body transformation, while other cosmetic procedures only target one area.

Benefits of Body Lift

If you have undergone significant weight loss and are left with excess skin, a surgical body lift can help. Not only does it address the excess skin, but it also improves the underlying tissue's shape and tone. After the procedure, patients often gain self-confidence as it can help complete their weight-loss journey, and clothes fit better without the excess skin. Though it does not have much effect on cellulite, a body lift can decrease the appearance of stretch marks. The best part? Results are immediate!

What Treatments Pair Well With A Body Lift?

After undergoing a body lift procedure, several treatments pair well with this surgical intervention to enhance the results. Patients can benefit from additional contouring procedures such as liposuction, breast augmentation, or reduction. Depending on the patient these can possibly be done at the same time. Most often, these are done separately.

What To Expect Before A Body Lift Treatment

Before your procedure, avoid aspirin and Advil analogs, Ibuprofen-based medications like Aleve or Naproxen, and other drugs or herbal supplements to reduce bleeding risk. Arrangements should be made for a ride to and from the surgical center.

What To Expect During A Body Lift Treatment

A body lift treatment targets the abdomen, groin, waist, thigh, and buttocks. Excess skin and fat are removed using a bikini pattern incision while tissues are repositioned and tightened for a better contour. This procedure may require liposuction for optimal results. Supportive sutures are used to sculpt and define your new look, while various techniques are employed to carefully close skin incisions.

What To Expect After A Body Lift Treatment

Positive results are immediate with body lift surgery, and effects are long-lasting by maintaining a stable weight and fitness level. While scars are normal, the initial improvement should remain. Expect some swelling and bruising, but compression garments and drains will accelerate healing. Most patients can resume normal activities within 4-5 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Will I See The Results Of The Procedure?

You will see a new, improved shape right after your body lift surgery. However, it may take three to six months for the swelling to go down before you can fully appreciate your results.

What Are The Potential Risks and Side Effects?

During the healing process, fluid buildup around incisions may occur along with possible infections. Post-surgery pain and significant swelling can develop. Blood clots and changes in skin sensation, like numbness, may occur in rare cases. However, you can minimize the risk of blood clots by wearing compression garments for several weeks and engaging in light exercises, such as walking. With an experienced board-certified surgeon like Dr. Shewmake, these potential risks and side effects can be minimized.

Is There Any Down Time? When Can I Go Back To Work?

The recovery time varies from person to person. Typically, you can expect to require a few weeks of rest and recovery to allow your body time to heal fully. It is advisable to take at least two to three weeks off work. Even then, you may need to limit your physical activity for several more weeks. Ultimately, the length of downtime you'll experience will vary depending on how well you care for your body during the recovery process.

Is The Treatment Painful?

With proper anesthetics and pain management post-operation, the overall discomfort can be managed and minimized. In the end, many people agree that the benefits of a body lift treatment far outweigh any temporary pain.

How Long Is Each Session? How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Generally, body lift surgery can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient's individual needs. As for the number of sessions required, it's important to note that a body lift is typically performed as one comprehensive surgery.

Am I a Candidate?

You are an ideal candidate for a full-body lift if you have excess tissue in the abdomen, lower back, hips, and upper thighs. Patients who have also undergone significant weight loss are also excellent candidates.

Can I Return To Normal Activities After My Treatment?

Although the recovery time may vary, your body should have enough time to heal before resuming your regular schedule. Typically, you should avoid strenuous activities for at least four to six weeks post-surgery to allow for proper healing. However, light walking and gentle stretching exercises can be done during recovery to help promote blood flow and prevent stiffness.

How Much Does A Body Lift Cost? Does Insurance Cover a Body Lift?

Cost varies depending on the areas and extent of treatment. Insurance typically does not cover cosmetic surgery.

Will There Be Scarring After A Body Lift?

Yes. Your scars will typically fade within a year, though you can help that along with a scar treatment once your incisions have healed.

How Can I Maintain the Results of My Body Lift?

When you invest in a body lift, you want to ensure your results last a lifetime. By keeping a consistent weight and following a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and nutritious eating habits, you can maintain the results of your body lift.

Can I Exercise After a Body Lift Procedure?

Most patients can start light exercise a few weeks after their surgery. Engaging in physical activity too soon after the procedure can lead to complications and slow healing. Starting with light low-impact activity like walking or light stretching can help to improve circulation and promote healing. Activities that could cause trauma to the surgical site, like weight training or high-impact cardio, should be avoided.

What Type Of Anesthesia Is Used During A Body Lift?

To ensure your comfort during surgery, medications will be administered to you by general anesthesia. To determine which option is best for you, your surgeon will give a recommendation.

Will I Need To Wear Compression Garments After My Body Lift?

Compression garments are designed to help support the healing process by reducing swelling and promoting circulation. They can also help alleviate discomfort and provide a smoother appearance to the newly contoured areas. It's important to follow your surgeon's aftercare instructions as closely as possible to ensure optimal results and a speedy recovery.

Can A Body Lift Be Reversed If I Am Not Satisfied With The Results?

While a body lift cannot be reversed, revision surgery may be possible to improve the outcome.

Will I Need To Have Follow-up Appointments After My Body Lift?

Follow-up appointments in Little Rock are crucial for monitoring your recovery progress and ensuring that everything is healing well. Your follow-up appointment will consist of checking incisions, evaluating your healing, and offering care instructions to help you achieve optimal results. Additionally, any post-operative issues can be promptly addressed.