What is an eyelid lift? 

Unveil your greatest asset – those beautiful eyes! Dr. Shewmake, a highly skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, specializes in eyelid surgery, having successfully performed thousands!

By removing excess skin and fat around the eye region, eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty lifts and tightens the skin, relaxing wrinkles on the forehead for a more refreshed appearance and restoring an alert and youthful look. Rejuvenate your face today with Eyelid Lift Surgery at Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, Arkansas, and let those windows into your soul radiate with beauty once again! 

How does an eyelid lift work? 

Eyelid surgery is a procedure used to improve the look of sagging eyelids and remove bags under the eyes. It involves making small incisions in the lower or upper lid, depending on where correction is needed. The area will be surgically reshaped, removing excess skin and fat as needed. The surgically altered eyelids are also tightened for support and to ease the tension around the eyes.  

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery 

Eyelid surgery is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure that can help individuals achieve a more rejuvenated appearance. This is typically achieved by removing excess sagging skin in the upper eyelids and fat deposits around the eyes and brows. In addition to improving one’s appearance, this type of surgery may also help address vision impairment caused by droopy eyelids and eliminate dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.

Furthermore, eyelid surgery can aid in removing any protrusion of fatty tissues underneath the lower lids. Ultimately, patients who opt for this procedure often report feeling more confident after surgery due to its ability to reduce signs of aging while restoring a more alert and refreshed look to their eyes. 

Types of Eyelid Lifts 

Upper Eyelid Surgery 

An upper blepharoplasty is a procedure that can help enhance your appearance by addressing droopiness, puffiness, and wrinkling of the eyelids, which can cause you to look tired and aged.

By making incisions in the natural crease of your lids, Dr. Shewmake will deftly tighten muscles and remove excess skin or fat while achieving natural-appearing results. With proper care after surgery, you’ll enjoy restored functionality and youthful-looking eyes! 

Lower Eyelid Surgery 

As we age, our eyelid muscles naturally become less elastic causing lower baggy eyelids. This can cause shadows or dark circles and an aged and tired appearance. Fortunately, with lower blepharoplasty, these effects of aging can be reduced! The surgeon will create an incision on the outer edge of your lower eyelid removing excess skin/fat. The incision with then be closed with tiny stitches. 

Double Eyelid Surgery 

Double eyelid surgery is a popular procedure amongst Asian patients with monoid eyes as it creates larger-looking eyes by creating suprasternal creases. This crease makes the eyes look bigger and more open and appealing. Both the incisional technique and suture technique are used. 

Transconjunctival Eyelid Surgery 

Transconjunctival eyelid surgery is an increasingly popular procedure for enhancing the appearance of puffy, aged-looking eyes. Utilizing a precise approach to addressing fat pockets around the eyelids, blepharoplasty offers excellent results for people with good skin elasticity. Transconjunctival eyelid surgery effectively removes eye bags and enhances the appearance of your eyes. 

Before, During, and After an Eyelid Lift

Preparing for an Eyelid Lift 

Before your procedure, avoid aspirin and Advil analogs, Ibuprofen-based medications like Aleve or Naproxen, and other drugs or herbal supplements to reduce bleeding risk. Arrangements should be made for a ride to and from the surgical center. 

The Procedure: Step-by-Step 

During your blepharoplasty, Dr. Shewmake will administer injections and IV drugs to numb the treatment area before making precise incisions along the upper eyelid fold to remove surplus fat and muscle for contouring. On the lower lids, an incision is skillfully made below the lashes to help reshape excess tissue, removing or repositioning fat muscle or sagging skin.

If your upper eyelid droops close to your pupil, blepharoplasty may be combined with ptosis. Ptosis is a procedure designed to remove excess skin while lifting the lids for a youthful appearance. 

Eyelid Surgery Results: What to Expect 

Eyelid surgery can help to enhance the eyes and improve vision capabilities. Recovery time typically lasts one to two weeks. You can expect bruising and swelling for ten to fourteen days following your procedure. Although there may be some tenderness, discomfort should not be excessive during this healing period. After eyelid surgery, you can look forward to longer-lasting results that may last a lifetime. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical candidates for an eyelid lift, and what is the ideal age range for this procedure? 

An ideal candidate for an eyelid lift has excess skin, fat, or muscle in the upper or lower eyelids that creates a heavy, droopy appearance. Those with bags under their eyes or whose eyes appear hooded due to sagging or drooping of their upper lids may also benefit from this procedure. Generally, this treatment is ideal for people within the age range of 45 and above or anyone who is affected by aging eyes. What is the recovery time like after the procedure? 

What is the recovery time like after the procedure? 

While the recovery time may vary depending on each person’s healing, most patients experience swelling, bruising, and soreness that generally lasts 5-10 days. You can return to your regular activities with only minor aftercare needed; however, it is important to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least one month following the procedure. Typically, after 4-6 weeks, you should have fully recovered from eyelift surgery and will be able to enjoy your rejuvenated look. 

Are there any risks or complications associated with an eyelid lift, and how can I minimize them? 

An eyelid lift can effectively reduce signs of aging around the eyes and create a more vibrant, refreshed appearance. However, as with any surgical procedure, some risks and complications are associated with eyelid lifts. Some rare issues include dry eyes, infections, and a reaction to anesthesia or other medications used during surgery.

To minimize the risks, it is important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Shewmake at Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, Arkansas, who is proficient and experienced in performing eyelid lifts. Additionally, proper care should be taken by following post-operative instructions. Can a facelift be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery? 

How long do the results of an eyelid lift last, and will I need to have the procedure repeated in the future? 

The results of eyelid surgery typically last at least eight years or more, and you may wish to have the procedure repeated in the future. 

Can an eyelid lift be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery? 

An eyelid lift can often be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve optimal results. For example, it is common for an eyelid lift to be combined with a brow lift or eyelid surgery. This combination can improve the symmetry and overall appearance of the eyes. Ultimately, by combining other treatments, such as Ptosis, which lifts the eyelid and removes hooding or excess skin, optimal results can be achieved. 

What is the cost of an eyelid lift, and are there any financing options available to help cover the expenses? 

At Shewmake, the price varies depending on the type of surgery the distinct specifications of each individual patient, and the outcome they want. This is not a necessary medical procedure and is usually not covered by medical insurance. Shewmake Plastic Surgery offers Care Credit and Alphaeon financing options for those who are eligible. 

What is the typical downtime after an eyelid lift, and when can I return to my normal activities? 

Generally, patients should plan for at least one to two weeks away from strenuous or taxing activities. This includes wearing makeup or contact lenses, touching the area around the eyes, and abstaining from physical exercise. Once all sutures have been removed and the surgeon feels you have safely healed, you can return to normal activities with no limitations. 

Are there any non-surgical options for an eyelid lift, and how do they compare to a surgical facelift in terms of results and recovery time? 

While a surgical eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is often the preferred option due to more dramatic and long-lasting results, there are non-surgical options that are not permanent but require no recovery time. 

Can an eyelid lift be performed under local anesthesia, and what are the benefits and risks of this option? 

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery, we prioritize the comfort and safety of our patients. An eyelid lift is rarely performed with local anesthesia except on rare occasions on upper eyelid lifts. Usually, general anesthesia is used when performing eyelid surgery. 

How do I know if an eyelid lift is right for me, and what factors should I consider before making a decision about this procedure? 

If you have excess skin drooping over your upper eyelids, bothersome bags, and puffiness beneath your eyes or are just generally unhappy with the appearance of your eyelids, then an eyelid lift may be something to consider. Your surgeon will provide more insight into which type of procedure would best meet your needs and expectations.