What is a Facelift and how does it differ from other cosmetic procedures? 

A Facelift, also known as Rhytidectomy, can revive your youthful vibrancy and restore the contours of the face. A facelift lifts and tightens drooping skin on the face, neck, and lower two-thirds of the face, under the chin along the jawline, and mild laxity on the neck and décolleté. It is a complex procedure, and a knowledgeable plastic surgeon must attain a natural result.

Dr. Shewmake of Shewmake Plastic Surgery is both board-certified and highly skilled. Through years of experience and dedication to providing the highest quality care, Dr. Shewmake has become a master in his craft!

With over 1000 successful facelifts with an impressive average of 3-4 per week, you can trust that he will take good care of your skin for a dramatic revival with silky soft results that look natural as if time has been reversed.  

How does a facelift work? 

During a facelift, the surgeon will move fat and tissue underneath the skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, eliminate any loose skin causing drooping or “jowls” and strengthen and firm the facial skin. 

Benefits of a Facelift 

A facelift can provide a more defined look to your neck. As we age, the skin on our face loses its elasticity, causing it to sag and wrinkle. This procedure can help lift the skin, reduce the appearance of deep creases, eliminate the presence of jowls, and reduce the appearance of a double chin. It re-contours your jawline and neck, resulting in a more revitalized look and long-lasting youthful skin. 

Types of Facelifts 


During a mid-facelift, cuts are made near the hairline and ear that are small enough to permit the insertion of an endoscopic camera. This camera is used to firm up and smooth out the muscles.

Also, the malar pads in the cheeks are raised to give the appearance of higher cheekbones. It rectifies sagging skin from the upper mouth to the eyes. 

Mini Facelift  

Patients seeking a less invasive procedure may choose to have a mini facelift. This involves making shorter incisions near the temples and at the sides of the ears. It targets loose skin around the neck and jawline.  It’s an ideal option for those who don’t want a “lifted” appearance and still reap the benefits of a traditional facelift, such as repositioning the muscle tissue and tightening the skin.  

Before, During, and After a Facelift

Preparing for a Facelift 

In preparing for a facelift, you may have a lab test or medical checkup, modify your current medications, and apply certain products on your face before the operation. You should stop smoking and avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can cause bleeding and bruising. 

The Facelift Procedure: Step-by-Step 

Medications such as intravenous sedation or general anesthetics may be administered to ensure your comfort during the procedure. The incision usually starts at the hairline near the temples, extends around the ear, and continues to the lower scalp. It may involve redistributing fat from the face, jowls, and neck and repositioning the deeper layers of the face and muscles.

The skin is then stretched over the newly-shaped contour, and the extra skin is trimmed off. In some cases, a second incision may be made beneath the chin to enhance the appearance of the neck. The incisions are then closed with sutures or skin adhesives. 

Facelift Results: What to Expect 

Generally, patients can return to work and daily activities about two weeks after having a facelift. It may take up to three months for the face to feel its regular texture, sensitivity, and suppleness. As the swelling and bruising from the procedure fade, the results of the facelift will become more visible. Not only should this give you a more youthful and refreshed look, but it should also boost your self-confidence. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical candidates for a facelift, and what is the ideal age range for this procedure? 

If your cheeks are sagging, you have too much skin around the lower jawline, deep skin folds from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth, and sagging skin and fat in your neck, then you are an ideal candidate for a facelift. Generally, people in their mid-50s and up are the ones who opt for facelifts. This surgery can benefit those who want to reduce the appearance of sagging skin in the face and neck area. 

What is the recovery time like after the procedure? 

Initially, you may experience some swelling and discomfort, and it could take a few weeks for the healing process to complete. Generally, people can go back to their jobs and regular daily activities within two weeks. 

Are there any risks or complications associated with a facelift, and how can I minimize them? 

Dr. Shewmake, a certified Plastic Surgeon at Shewmake Plastic Surgery and highly experienced in facelift procedures is dedicated to providing you with results that promote youthful symmetrical features through a safe surgical process. Although some swelling or discomfort may occur afterward, there are some extremely rare risks associated such as anesthesia complications, bleeding,

deep vein thrombosis, facial nerve damage leading to weakness, and poor wound healing, which Dr. Shewmake will take special care of during your recovery time ensuring optimal safety and minimal risk throughout your journey towards enhanced beauty!

How long do the results of a facelift last, and will I need to have the procedure repeated in the future?

Though results are not permanent, they are long-lasting, and you will enjoy the beautiful enhancements from your facelift for many years to come. Generally, the results last at least ten years. 

Can a facelift be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery? 

at Shewmake, You may choose to have other cosmetic procedures with a facelift to optimize your results. A brow lift or eyelid surgery may be combined to make the forehead skin, eyebrows, or drooping upper lids look more youthful, which a facelift alone will not do.

What is the cost of a facelift, and are there any financing options available to help cover the expenses? 

The expense of a facelift procedure depends upon the distinct specifications of each person and the outcome they want. This is not a necessary medical procedure and is usually not covered by medical insurance. We offer financing options through Care Credit and Alphaeon. 

What is the typical downtime after a facelift, and when can I return to my normal activities? 

You can usually return to work and regular activities in two weeks, and it may take 2-3 months for your face to feel “back to normal” again. 

Are there any non-surgical options for a facelift, and how do they compare to a surgical facelift in terms of results and recovery time? 

At our medical spa, The Skin Retreat, we offer minimally invasive, cutting-edge solutions to reducing signs of aging and tackling acne and sun damage while restoring a youthful glow with minimal recovery time and no general anesthesia or incisions needed. Our medical professional team is highly trained in the latest methods for facial contouring and skin rejuvenation.

We offer chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and dermaplaning to exfoliate old skin for a brighter complexion while stimulating cell growth. Oxygen treatments and Microneedling (via Skinpen) help improve damaged or aging skin while facial injections (Restylane, Juvederm, and the RHA collection) are used to add volume and fullness, lift cheeks, and smooth out laugh lines.

We also offer the latest laser treatments, such as BBL Forever Young and Halo to name a few, to target the neck,  jawline, and chin areas and improve skin texture, treat acne scars and sun-damaged skin, and Botox and Dysport which provide wrinkle relaxation in key facial muscles. With our high-caliber training on state-of-the-art techniques, you are guaranteed visible aesthetic results! 

Can a facelift be performed under local anesthesia, and what are the benefits and risks of this option? 

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery, we prioritize your comfort and safety by exclusively using deep sedation or general anesthesia when performing facelifts; both approaches ensure a safe and comfortable treatment.

How do I know if a facelift is right for me, and what factors should I consider before making a decision about this procedure? 

When considering facelift surgery, you must remember that it should be done for yourself, not to please anyone else. It is also essential that the patient is in good health, has a positive outlook, and has realistic expectations.