Tummy Tuck 

Many of us work hard to achieve the ideal abdomen - toned and flat. Unfortunately, dieting and exercise may not be enough to give you that desired look. Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery is a great option for those looking for long-lasting results!

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, Arkansas, Dr. Shewmake uses his skillful expertise as an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon to remove extra fat and skin while tightening weakened muscles and restoring your body's profile with lasting smoothness and firmness. 

How Does It Work? 

Flattening and contouring your tummy can be achieved with a full tummy tuck. It works by making an incision between the pubic hairline and the navel, depending on how much excess skin needs to be removed.

The underlying weakened abdominal muscles are then repaired before pulling down the upper abdomen as if it were rolling down a window shade for trimming off any extra skin - after which multiple sutures will sew everything together seamlessly, providing you with a new flatter firmer contour! 

Why Choose Tummy Tuck? 

Abdominoplasty, or “tummy tuck” surgery, provides a dramatic transformation of the abdomen for those who are struggling with sagging skin caused by drastic weight gain or pregnancy. Exercise can help to tone this area but it won't be enough when there has been an impact on muscle structure and integrity due to a permanent separation of the abdominal muscles and surgery is necessary in order to repair them fully. Not only will you enjoy a more toned look after abdominoplasty, but stretch marks may also significantly reduce in both quantity and appearance! 

Benefits of Tummy Tuck 

Get ready to reclaim your tummy in Little Rock! There are many benefits to having a Tummy Tuck. Following pregnancy or significant weight loss, a tummy tuck surgery can help you achieve the flat and toned abdominal appearance that has been eluding you.

While sit-ups and crunches may not be enough on their own to tighten loose muscles, abdominoplasty procedures provide an array of benefits including the removal of excess fat/skin around the midsection as well as narrow waistlines with improved belly button shapes and a more flat and firm abdomen, and tightened abdominal muscles! 

What Treatments Pair Well With Tummy Tuck? 

For women looking to reshape and restore their bodies after pregnancy or major weight loss, combining tummy tuck with liposuction and breast augmentation/lift can provide dramatic results for restoring confidence in one's physique.

Before, During, and After A Tummy Tuck

What To Expect Before A Tummy Tuck Treatment 

In your journey to having a tummy tuck, you will need to take certain steps in order to be as safe and prepared as possible. These can include lab testing and medical evaluations as well as lifestyle changes like quitting smoking or avoiding certain medications such as aspirin, certain herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs, due to their risk for increased bleeding.  

What To Expect During A Tummy Tuck Treatment 

After making an incision above your pubic area (the length depends on how much extra skin there is), they'll lift off the fat and skin from your abdominal wall for easy access to those underlying muscles — then pull them together tight! Once everything's secure and sutured up, any remaining excess skin will be trimmed away before finally closing & bandaging all incisions— giving way to a brand-new look worth showing off. 

What To Expect After A Tummy Tuck Treatment 

Following your tummy tuck, specialized dressings or bandages may be placed on the incisions, and a compression garment used to minimize swelling. Thinner tubes are sometimes inserted beneath the skin in order to help drain any excess blood or fluids that accumulate during recovery.

Additionally, you'll receive guidance from your plastic surgeon about how best to care for yourself following surgery - including what medications should be applied/taken orally as well as when it's necessary to return for follow-up appointments.

You may experience some short-term effects such as soreness, inflammation, and discoloration. However, don't worry - these are only temporary! You can return to work in two weeks or less depending on job duties and exercise within four to six. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When Will I See The Results Of The Procedure? 

After a couple of weeks of healing, you’ll be standing tall with your newfound confidence. Feel the results as soon as the swelling subsides - see an instant transformation in your abdominal contour and proportioned figure for long-lasting self-assurance! 

What Are The Potential Risks and Side Effects? 

Dr. Shewmake is an experienced plastic surgeon who values patient safety above all else and takes great care during every procedure he conducts; however, it's important to remember that any surgery carries the possibility of side effects or complications.

Those associated with abdominoplasty could include bleeding, infections at incision sites, anesthesia reactions resulting in changes in skin sensation and unfavorable scarring, as well as fluid accumulation. 

When Can I Go Back To Work? 

If you're considering abdominoplasty, most patients can return to their regular jobs about two weeks later. However, those with physical roles requiring more exertion may need a few extra weeks for recovery before returning; consulting your surgeon is the best way to determine when it's safe and reasonable for you to resume work after surgery. 

Is The Treatment Painful? 

A tummy tuck can be a stress-free experience, as medications are available to ensure comfort throughout the process. Depending on your particular needs and preferences, you will have the choice of either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia - both providing their own benefits that Dr. Shewmake can discuss with you at length! 

How Long Is Each Session? How Many Sessions Will I Need? 

Tummy Tuck surgery can take anywhere from one to five hours depending on the extent of the surgery needed. After your surgery, you may experience some discomfort as part of the healing process. However,  medication can be prescribed to ease any pain and swelling so that you have a comfortable recovery! 

Am I a candidate? 

The best candidates for tummy tuck surgery in Little Rock are already close to their ideal weight. If you would like to tighten loose skin on your midsection and repair separated abdominal muscles, then a tummy tuck may be right for you. 

Can I Return To Normal Activities After My Treatment? 

Surgery can cause some soreness and pain, but reliable medications will be prescribed to help manage discomfort. To support the healing process, it's important to limit strenuous activities for at least 3-4 weeks after surgery; walking is highly encouraged though! Dr. Shewmake has all of your post-operative needs covered with special care instructions so you'll get back into fighting shape quickly and safely. 

How Much Does A Tummy Tuck Cost? 

At Shewmake, the cost varies depending on the areas treated and the extent of the procedure.