Neck Lift 

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, AR, Dr. Shewmake, a highly-skilled and board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, offers neck lift surgery. This procedure can enhance your appearance by creating a more defined jawline, slimming and smoothing your neck, and restoring youthful contours lost through aging.

It addresses concerns such as sagging skin and excess fat, tightens the platysma muscle, and eliminates issues like a double chin, horizontal banding, wrinkling, and "turkey neck." With extensive experience in the field, Dr. Shewmake can help restore balance and provide a more youthful appearance to your entire neck and jawline. 

How Does a Neck Lift Work? 

During a neck lift procedure, patients will typically receive general anesthesia. The incisions are primarily made behind and, if required, in front of the ears to minimize visible scarring. The underlying neck tissue is adjusted, excess skin is removed, and potential additional incisions may be made under the chin for liposuction and muscle repair. Deep neck structures are addressed as needed, including tightening the platysma muscle. Finally, the skin is restored and sutured, resulting in a more youthful appearance for the patient. 

Why Choose Neck Lift? 

A neck lift in Little Rock can rejuvenate the neck, addressing concerns such as skin laxity and wrinkle formation that detract from facial beauty. It is often one of the first areas to exhibit visible signs of aging, including sagging skin, fat accumulation, and a loss of muscle tone. These changes can significantly impact your overall appearance and self-assurance. A neck lift provides improved structure and restoring a more youthful aesthetic to the jawline and neck. 

Benefits of Neck Lift 

A neck lift targets issues like excess skin, fat deposits, lax muscles, jowls, and a "turkey neck." It provides a youthful profile by tightening the neck area and enhancing the jawline. It offers specific benefits such as eliminating loose, sagging neck skin, reducing submental fat (excess fat deposits under the chin), correcting abnormal neck contours caused by muscle banding, and improving neck profile.  

What Treatments Pair Well With Neck Lift? 

A neck lift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation surgeries, such as a facelift to restore facial contours, an eyelid lift to enhance aging eyes, or a brow lift to smooth out wrinkles and furrowed brows. 

Before, During, and After a Neck Lift

What To Expect Before a Neck Lift Treatment 

Before a neck lift procedure, patients undergo a comprehensive health assessment, including lab tests. To minimize the risk of bleeding and bruising, it is advised that patients refrain from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements before surgery. 

What To Expect During a Neck Lift Treatment 

A neck lift procedure often begins with an incision in the hairline at the sideburn level, extending along the ear and ending at the back of the hair. Fat may be sculpted or redistributed from the jowls and neck while repositioning the underlying neck tissue and tightening the platysma muscle. The skin is then redraped over the lifted contours, and excess skin is trimmed. A separate incision under the chin may be required for liposuction in that area and muscle repair. The incisions are closed using sutures or skin adhesives. 

What To Expect After a Neck Lift Treatment 

After neck lift surgery, a bandage may be gently placed around your face and neck to minimize swelling and bruising. Additionally, a thin tube may be present to drain any excess blood or fluid under the skin. You will receive specific instructions on caring for the surgical site and drains and medications to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical candidates for an eyelid lift, and what are the ideal age range for this procedure? 

An ideal candidate for an eyelid lift has excess skin, fat, or muscle in the upper or lower eyelids that creates a heavy, droopy appearance. Those with bags under their eyes or whose eyes appear hooded due to sagging or drooping of their upper lids may also benefit from this procedure. Generally, this treatment is ideal for people within the age range of 45 and above or anyone who is affected by aging eyes. What is the recovery time like after the procedure? 

What is the recovery time like after the procedure? 

While the recovery time may vary depending on each person’s healing, most patients experience swelling, bruising, and soreness that generally lasts 5-10 days. You can return to your regular activities with only minor aftercare needed; however, it is important to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least one month following the procedure. Typically, after 4-6 weeks, you should have fully recovered from eyelift surgery and will be able to enjoy your rejuvenated look. 

Are there any risks or complications associated with an eyelid lift, and how can I minimize them? 

An eyelid lift can effectively reduce signs of aging around the eyes and create a more vibrant, refreshed appearance. However, as with any surgical procedure, some risks and complications are associated with eyelid lifts. Some rare issues include dry eyes, infections, and a reaction to anesthesia or other medications used during surgery.

To minimize the risks, it is important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Shewmake at Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, Arkansas, who is proficient and experienced in performing eyelid lifts. Additionally, proper care should be taken by following post-operative instructions. Can a facelift be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery? 

How long do the results of an eyelid lift last, and will I need to have the procedure repeated in the future? 

The results of eyelid surgery typically last at least eight years or more, and you may wish to have the procedure repeated in the future. 

Can an eyelid lift be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery? 

An eyelid lift can often be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve optimal results. For example, it is common for an eyelid lift to be combined with a brow lift or eyelid surgery. This combination can inmove the symmetry and overall appearance of the eyes. Ultimately, by combining other treatments, such as Ptosis, which lifts the eyelid and removes hooding or excess skin, optimal results can be achieved. 

What is the cost of an eyelid lift, and are there any financing options available to help cover the expenses? 

Price varies depending on the type of surgery and the distinct specifications of each individual patient and the outcome they want. This is not a necessary medical procedure and is usually not covered by medical insurance. Shewmake Plastic Surgery offers Care Credit and Alphaeon financing options for those who are eligible. 

What is the typical downtime after an eyelid lift, and when can I return to my normal activities? 

Generally, patients should plan for at least one to two weeks away from strenuous or taxing activities. This includes wearing makeup or contact lenses, touching the area around the eyes, and abstaining from physical exercise. Once all sutures have been removed and the surgeon feels you have safely healed, you can return to normal activities with no limitations. 

Are there any non-surgical options for an eyelid lift, and how do they compare to a surgical facelift in terms of results and recovery time? 

While a surgical eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is often the preferred option due to more dramatic and long-lasting results, there are non-surgical options that are not permanent but require no recovery time. 

Can an eyelid lift be performed under local anesthesia, and what are the benefits and risks of this option? 

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery, we prioritize the comfort and safety of our patients. An eyelid lift is rarely performed with local anesthesia except on rare occasions on upper eyelid lifts. Usually, general anesthesia is used when performing eyelid surgery. 

How do I know if an eyelid lift is right for me, and what factors should I consider before making a decision about this procedure? 

If you have excess skin drooping over your upper eyelids, bothersome bags, and puffiness beneath your eyes or are just generally unhappy with the appearance of your eyelids, then an eyelid lift may be something to consider. Your surgeon will provide more insight into which type of procedure would best meet your needs and expectations. 

Are There Any Age Restrictions For Getting A Neck Lift? 

There are no age restrictions for getting a neck lift. Generally, the patient's overall health and skin elasticity are the main deciding factors.  

Will A Neck Lift Eliminate My Double Chin? 

A neck lift can address excess skin and fat under the chin. By tightening the neck muscles and removing excess skin and fat, a neck lift can effectively eliminate a double chin and provide a more contoured neck and jawline. 

When Can I Resume Normal Activities After A Neck Lift? 

You can generally resume normal actiivties one to two weeks after a neck lift, depending on the extent of the surgery.