Liposuction Near Little Rock

Shewmake Plastic Surgery in Little Rock, AR, can help you achieve the body shape you desire. Dr. Shewmake performs liposuction with exceptional skill to contour areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and more, where diet and exercise alone have not produced results. As a Board Certified plastic surgeon with years of expertise, Dr. Shewmake is dedicated to delivering outstanding aesthetic enhancements to patients. With liposuction, you can attain a slimmer, more sculpted body.

How Does It Work?

During the procedure, a small, thin tube called a cannula is inserted into the treated area. The cannula is moved back and forth to break up the fat cells, which are then suctioned out of the body using a vacuum. Liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia.

Why Choose Liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that can help you achieve the look you desire by eliminating stubborn fat. It is a minimally invasive surgery that offers excellent results, making it a popular option for those looking to sculpt their bodies. Unlike diet and exercise, which can take a long time to show results, liposuction offers immediate and visible changes. This procedure is ideal for people who have tried to lose weight through traditional means but have areas of fat that remain resistant to diet and exercise. With liposuction, the body is reshaped and contoured, providing a more toned and sleek appearance.

Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction in Little Rock offers long-lasting results, as the removed fat cells will not return. Moreover, liposuction can boost your confidence, helping you feel more comfortable in your skin. Whether you want to sculpt a more defined abdomen, thighs, or arms, liposuction can help you reach your cosmetic goals and give you the body you have always dreamed of.

What Treatments Pair Well With Liposuction?

Several treatments can be combined with liposuction to enhance results. A popular combination is liposuction and a Tummy Tuck, which removes skin and tightens the abdominal muscles, giving patients a more contoured midsection. Another treatment that pairs well with liposuction is a Body Lift, which can be done after significant weight loss to remove excess skin and give a more toned appearance. Choosing the right combination of treatments to pair with liposuction depends on your needs and goals.

What To Expect Before a Liposuction Treatment

You may be asked to discontinue certain medications, such as blood thinners or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) one week before your surgery. Additionally, lab tests may be needed prior to your procedure. Areas that will be treated will be precisely marked with circles and lines.

What To Expect During a Liposuction Treatment

The process involves administering anesthesia. Subsequently, a thin hollow tube, or cannula, is introduced into the body via minute incisions to dislodge excess fat in a controlled back-and-forth motion. The suctioning out of the dislodged fat is accomplished through a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.

What To Expect After a Liposuction Treatment

After undergoing liposuction surgery, dressings or bandages will be placed on the incisions. An elastic bandage or compression garment will be worn for support to minimize swelling while the body heals. If drainage tubes are present, monitoring and recording fluid amounts may be required. Post-operative instructions will be given, along with prescribed medications for aiding healing and preventing infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Will I See The Results of The Procedure?

Swelling usually dissipates within a few weeks. You may begin to see noticeable results immediately after surgery. It may, however, take months before you experience the full benefits of the procedure.

What Are The Potential Risks and Side Effects?

Some rare but potential risks of liposuction include anesthesia risks, infection, bleeding, bruising, and fluid accumulation. Additionally, some side effects may occur, such as swelling, numbness, and temporary changes in skin sensation.

Is There Any Down Time? When Can I Go Back To Work?

By the second or third week, you will begin to feel better and can return to work, depending on your job.

Is Liposuction Painful?

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery, our exclusive use of deep sedation or general anesthesia ensures the most comfortable and safe treatment possible. Trust us to provide the results you desire with minimal discomfort.

How Long Is Each Session? How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Typically, liposuction surgery time varies depending on the complexity of the surgery and the individual patient’s needs.

Am I A Candidate?

Liposuction is ideal for healthy individuals who have stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet or exercise.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Cost varies depending on the extent of the procedure and the areas treated.

How Can I Maintain The Results Of My Liposuction?

To maintain the results of your liposuction you should maintain a healthy weight and incorporate an active lifestyle with healthy eating habits into your daily routine.

Can Liposuction Remove Cellulite?

Liposuction isn't specifically designed to target dimpled skin from cellulite. Instead, it's a procedure that removes excess fat from certain areas.

Will I Have Visible Scars After Liposuction?

Liposuction typically only requires very small incisions, which means that any scarring is minimal.

Is There An Age Limit For Undergoing Liposuction?

The FDA has approved liposuction for adults of all ages. Although there is no age limit, it is not recommended for those under the age of 18.

What Type Of Anesthesia Is Used During Liposuction?

At Shewmake Plastic Surgery, we prioritize the comfort and safety of our patients. Usually, general anesthesia is used when performing liposuction surgery.

Can I Resume Normal Activities And Exercise After Liposuction?

During the first week, it is advised to monitor pain, swelling, and bruising; this may require medication. Limiting activity considerably is recommended. By weeks two and three, there should be a noticeable improvement in how you feel. It is still advised to limit physical exercise and activities. Bruising should be mostly gone by weeks four and five and the swelling should begin to reduce. From week six onwards, there should be a continued decrease in swelling, and you may commence with gentle exercise and gradually increase activities.